Chapin Forest lighted hiking trails allow nighttime exploring
KIRTLAND, Ohio — Most people think of hiking as an early morning or daytime activity, but Chapin Forest in Lake County lights up their hiking trails so you can experience different sights and sounds.
What You Need To Know
Nighttime hiking allows for experiencing different sights and sounds
Chapin Forest in Lake County has one mile of lighted hiking trails in the winter
Nighttime hikers say night hiking is peaceful and quiet
“It’s peaceful. Quiet. No traffic.” That’s what Megan Heimovitz and her daughters say about their nighttime hiking adventures.
“It’s nice because we can come as a family at night,” Heimovitz said.
Chapin Forest has one mile of lighted trails.
“A lot of different things you can see, hear at nighttime. Different animals. Different scenes,” said Dominic Catanese, outdoor education manger with Lake Metroparks.
“It creates a cozy atmosphere for you to enjoy nature during wintertime,” he said. “You can listen to different sounds of animals including owls here at night.”
But going hiking after dark can be tricky if you’re not prepared. Catanese recommends bringing a headlamp in case you decide to go off the lighted trails. He said crampons are key if the trails is icy and hiking poles are handy.
“These (hiking poles) allow you to maintain your balance while you’re hiking regardless of the season,” Catanese said.
The park started lighting the trail 15 years ago. Prior to that people were using gallon jugs with candles to light their way.
Heimovitz and her girls enjoy the park rain or shine.
“One time there was that big rain, we got soaking wet!” her youngest exclaimed with joy.
The trails are lit every night regardless of snow from October through mid-March. The park is open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.